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War Base Criteria for TH10

What qualities makes a war base strong for town hall level ten?

These tips are taken from the great YouTube video OneHive TH10 Starter Pack.

1. Clan Castle and Archer Queen - A ground attack kill squad wants to get both your defensive Archer Queen and your defensive clan castle troops.  So your layout will direct the direction that the kill squad will enter your base.  One of these items goes in the core of your base, the other to one side.

2. First bomb tower - Put one next to the Archer Queen to protect her from a skeleton spell.

3. Inferno towers - Place them distant from the core, so that bowlers in the core cannot reach them.  Most of the time use single-target mode.

4. Air defenses - Put these near the inferno towers as defense from Lava Hounds.  No need to spread them out to cover your entire base.  A LaLoon attack must begin on the side of your base with the air defenses: this knowledge is valuable enough.  If your Archer Queen is not central, put the air defenses on her side of the base, but ideally far enough from her so that she attacks balloons instead of a lava hound.

5. Wizard towers and air bombs - Put these so they do not defend the air defenses: their usefulness against an air attack is crippled if they lock onto a lava hound while balloons approach from a different direction.  Better to put them on the side of the base without good air defense coverage, near other defenses to deal damage to clumped balloons that have already made it past the air defenses.  If possible, wizard towers protect inferno towers from skeleton spells.

6. Second bomb tower - An attacker using a Queen charge with mass hog riders will have five heal spells.  The bomb towers and wizard towers should establish two or three places where a heal spell is crucial.

7. Hidden teslas and giant bombs - Spread out the giant bombs, appropriate nestled between defenses, to establish four or five more places where a heal spell is crucial.  You can use one hidden tesla as a third defense around a giant bomb.  Or you can put two hidden teslas flanking a giant bomb just outside your walls, across the wall from a single defensive building.

8. X-bows - The LaLoon attack is strong enough that these need to be on ground-and-air mode.  Put them behind other defenses and storages on the side of the base not covered by air defenses.  It is fine to have the x-bows close together because this makes a sizeable portion of your base immune to a Queen Walk.

9. Barbarian King - He goes far away from the Archer Queen.  An attacker using a Queen charge with mass hog riders must prioritize the attacking Archer Queen to defeat your defensive Archer Queen.  Because your defensive Barbarian King is far from that fight, he remains active to defend against the hog riders.

10. Air sweepers - Central to push balloons away from your core and air defenses.

11. Cannons and mortars - Place these near air defenses to provide more time for your air defenses to target incoming balloons.

12. Archer towers - Spead out archer towers to provide air coverage to your entire base.

13. Storages - Storages slow down a kill squad.  Since you know the side from which the kill squad will approach, place four storages there.  Use the other four as a defensive wall between your x-bows and the outside of your base.

14. Town hall - If you are not among the highest three war bases, use the town hall as an additional way to slow down the kill squad, because offering an easy two-star does not hurt your team.

15. Spring traps - Between defenses on the side of the base away from where the kill squad will approach.  Place them where heal spells are expected.  Place them where two defensive buildings (not more) only have one space in between.  Most effective is between two 2x2 buildings (inferno towers, hidden teslas, air defenses) because the hog riders clump closer.  Next best is to have the spring trap in the center between two 3x3 buildings lined up beside each other, with walls flanking the spring trap: the lazy hog riders will move centrally to avoid having to jump a wall needlessly.  Third best is to have the two 3x3 buildings staggered so they only have one empty square between them: place the spring trap there.

16. Skeleton traps - A trap set to ground by each defensive hero helps that hero do his or her job.  The third set to air helps the x-bows get balloons on that side of the base.

17. Small bombs - Since you know the side from which the kill squad will approach, place these one space out from the walls, where kill squad wallbreakers will approach.

18. Seeking air mines - Place a pair near each of the two air defenses least likely to be destroyed by the kill squad, for maximum effect against lava hounds.