Halfway through town hall level 8, you acquire level four hog riders. Now a new option arises: mass hog rider attacks!
Nice introductory videos are available from OneHive and Clash Tutor.
Mass Hog Riders
Start by using small groups of hog riders (and sometimes one giant) to set off giant bombs, and if possible also lure out defending clan castle troops. It is okay to use a heal spell at this stage.
Second, use the traditional "surround 'em in the corner" method of killing defending clan castle troops with archers and wizards.
Third, any defenses very near the edges, unprotected by air defenses, are begging to be dealt with early by balloons and one hog rider. This eliminates the need for other hog riders to go near there, in case giant bombs were beside those edge defenses.
Fourth, release the hog riders. Beginners deploy in two clustered groups, to halve the number of hog riders hit by the predictable pair of adjacent giant bombs. But more advanced variations on deployment exist for harder targets.
Fifth, put heal spells. The first wizard tower attacked is often a strategic location since so many hog riders are taking that splash damage. The best other locations cover 2-3 defensive buildings and a giant bomb location, since that is where the hogs will spend their time and are at most risk.
Remember the mantra "Heal the defenses, not the hogs." Drop the heal spells before the hog riders arrive at the location.
Also remember the mantra "Pre-heal the giant bombs." Be sure to use the heal spells early enough in the attack that the hog riders are already healthy when they trigger a giant bomb. There will not be time to heal injured hog riders once they trigger a giant bomb.
How do you use your Barbarian King? Optimally he can trigger an outside-ish giant bomb, but most targets have better design. More often he either tanks a dense cluster of single-target defenses or he fights the defending Barbarian King.
Here is a checklist to use when planning your attack. It might even help to copy-and-paste it into a Clash Tools note, then add your answers.
Checklist for TH8 Mass Hog Riders
1. How will you lure clan castle defenders and probe for giant bombs?
2. Are there any very external defenses you will deal with early using balloons and a single hog rider?
3. Where will you deploy your hog riders, and in how many groups?
4. Where do you expect to drop your heal spells?
5. How will you use you hero?
If you want more, then study what CM from clan JTJ has written about a much thorough way to plan a mass hog rider attack for clan wars.
There is also a version called GoHoWi that adds golems to tank and a "Kill Squad" of wizards.
The best video we can find is here, but it uses witches to deal with a defending Archer Queen. At TH8, wizards are sufficient because the defending war base is also town hall level 8 and lacks an Archer Queen.
Here is a checklist to use when planning your attack. It might even help to copy-and-paste it into a Clash Tools note, then add your answers.TH8 GoHoWi
Before you attack, estimate which part of the base the hog riders are responsible for, and which the Kill Squad is responsible for. (This might be one side versus another side, or the core versus the outer ring.)
Start the attack by placing two golems so they enter two different compartments.
Once the golems are tanking, deploy the Kill Squad of wizards. Use rage and heal spells to keep the Kill Squad alive while it deals with defending clan castle troops.
Then use wallbreakers to help get Kill Squad to the core.
Once the Kill Squad has set off the predictable pair of adjacent giant bombs, send in the hog riders in two groups.
Checklist for TH8 GoHoWi
1. Which parts of the base is the Kill Squad / Hog Riders responsible for?
2. Where will you deploy your two golems?
3. How many wizards, wallbreakers, and hog riders will you use?
4. Where will you deploy your hog riders, and in how many groups?
5. How will you use you hero?