At town hall level 7 the war landscape is dominated by dragon attacks.
(Click on the image to see a big version. Credit and thanks for this list goes to blakegt, from the website cocland.)
Mass dragons can defeat any enemy war base with only two air defenses. If you have level two dragons, usually only seven are needed, so save the others unless you obviously need them.
Here is a checklist to use when planning your attack. It might even help to copy-and-paste it into a Clash Tools note, then add your answers.Mass Dragons (Lightning version)
First, examine the two air defenses. Their only significant protection from dragons will be how storages and the town hall (within their range) have so many hit points they can serve as "aerial walls" that delay the dragons while many rockets fire. Pick the air defense most defended by the aerial walls created by storages and/or the town hall.
Second, use all three lightning spells to destroy that air defense.
Third, drop two dragons next to corner builder huts or other corner-most buildings along a common edge that is closest to the remaining air defense.
Fourth, deploy the remaining needed dragons along that common edge. Bunching is risky. Make a wall, about one per building along that edge. The result is now a crescent-shaped wall of dragons (because the two at the wall's edges had a head start) that advances while slowly contracting to become focused on the center.
Fifth, deploy the Barbarian King any time after the defending clan castle troops are gone, to begin attacking the most distant building(s) the dragons will be slow to reach. This is often a corner builder's hut.
Checklist for TH7 Mass Dragons (Lightning version)
1. Which air defense will you destroy with three lightning spells?
2. Will your clan castle contain a dragon or balloons?
3. Where will you place your early dragons to start your funnel?
4. How will you use you hero?
TH7 or TH8 DragLoon (Lightning version)
At early town hall level 8, before your opponent has finished upgrading the third air defense, the war landscape remains dominated by dragon attacks.
If the enemy war base has three air defenses of which one is very low level, use the attack nicknamed DragLoon with lightning spells. It is similar to mass dragons. The lightning spell deals with the most troublesome air defense. Ten level 2+ dragons deal the other high level air defense. Then balloons (of level 5 or higher) from the clan castle focus on the low level air defense.
(This version of DragLoon was explained by RoyalFlush of Elite Command.)DragLoon (Lightning version)
First, examine the three air defenses. As before, consider which one is most protected by "aerial walls" of storages and/or the town hall. However, if two air defenses are near each other, pick the third isolated air defense instead of the one most protected by aerial walls.
Second, use all three lightning spells to destroy that air defense.
Third, drop two dragons next to corner builder huts or other corner-most buildings along a common edge that is closest to the remaining two air defenses.
Fourth, deploy the remaining needed dragons along that common edge. Bunching is risky. Make a wall, about one per building along that edge. The result is now a crescent-shaped wall of dragons (because the two at the wall's edges had a head start) that advances while slowly contracting to become focused on the center.
Fifth and sixth, wait for two things, which might happen in either order...
As soon as a dragon is tanking the last air defense, deploy the Clan Castle balloons nearby to take out that last air defense quickly. Deploy them as close as possible, to minimize the chance that a hidden tesla appears to distract the balloons.
As soon as the defending clan castle troops are gone, deploy the Barbarian King by the most distant faraway building (often a corner builder's hut) so the slow-moving dragons do not need to travel as far.
Here is a checklist to use when planning your attack. It might even help to copy-and-paste it into a Clash Tools note, then add your answers.
Checklist for TH7 or TH8 DragLoon (Lightning version)
1. Which air defense will you destroy with three lightning spells?
2. Where will you place your early dragons to start your funnel?
3. Where will you deploy your clan castle balloons?
4. How will you use you hero?
Against a target whose air defenses are almost fully upgraded, you can use a variation of DragLoon that includes the rage spell (instead of the lightning spell).
Checklist for TH7 or TH8 DragLoon (Rage version)
1. Where will you place your early dragons to start your funnel?
2. Where do you expect to drop your rage spells?
3. Where will you deploy your clan castle balloons?
4. How will you use you hero?
At middle town hall level 8, your dragon attacks become truly awesome. You have a new trick up your sleeve!
Acquiring the earthquake spell and level 5 lightning allows the Blast-Blast-Quake "BBQ" attack in which the most troublesome air defense is removed by two lightning spells and one earthquake spell. You still have one spell remaining! Usually this is a rage spell to help your dragons.
You also have your own level 5 balloons. Your army is 8 or 9 dragons along with 4 or 8 balloons. In your clan castle get five hog raiders.
Here is a checklist to use when planning your attack. It might even help to copy-and-paste it into a Clash Tools note, then add your answers.DragLoon (Lightning version)
First, examine the three air defenses. The most protected one gets destroyed by BBQ. (Now "most protected" considers both "aerial walls" of storages and potential double-giant-bomb locations). Of the remaining two, whichever is easiest for the hog riders to get is their target. The final air defense and clan castle defenders are targeted by your dragons and balloons.
Second, start the attack and use the BBQ spells to destroy that air defense.
Third, lure out the clan castle defenders. You want them all out of the clan castle! (No need to kill them yet, just get them all out.)
Fourth, start the dragon side of the attack. As before, use two early dragons to "bite" the opposite edges of your dragon wall so the dragons are funneled into the core. Use the rage spell to help your dragons defeat the clan castle defenders and speed the balloons to their air defense.
Fifth, deploy the Barbarian King and hog riders. Put the Barbarian King down first to distract the nearby defenses. The hog riders then take out the final air defense.
This must be done quickly enough that the third air defense is taken down before it shoots too much at the dragons. But it is an attack style very forgiving of mistakes. (See the linked videos for examples.)
On a few bases the hog riders will have an especially tough time. Instead of a Rage spell for the dragons, bring a Heal spell to keep the hog riders alive until their task is complete.
Checklist for TH8 HoGonBBQ
1. Which air defense will you destroy with the BBQ spells?
2. Which other air defense is appropriate for the hog riders?
3. Will you bring a Rage spell (for the dragons and balloons) or Heal spell (for the hog riders)?
4. Where will you place your early dragons to start your funnel?
5. Where will you deploy your balloons?
6. Where will you use your hero and clan castle hog riders?