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War Base Criteria for TH6 to TH8

What qualities makes a war base strong for town hall levels six through eight?

1. Storages surround the air defenses within their ranges, so flying attackers get stuck on them a bit while the air defenses fire rockets.

2. The air sweeper and air defense are central, and aimed to keep flying attackers "stuck" on storages a bit longer.

3. Hidden teslas are positioned between the air defenses and the outside edges of the base, in ways that might distract attacking balloons from the center to outside edge defensive buildings.

4. If you have two giant bombs, put these within the base, adjacent to each other, and between defensive buildings. This can stop an inexpert mass hog rider attack.  (Try to have more than one possible location for adjacent double giant bombs internally and between defensive buildings.)

5. The overall shape is difficult to funnel with an attack using dragons.  Either its edges have "tentacles" (see the infographic about dragon attacks below) or building placement directs dragons in paths that avoid the air defenses.

6. The clan castle is central, and other buildings are arranged so no luring of clan castle troops is more difficult.  (Luring will require either using a troop that seeks out defensive buildings, or first destroying something.)

7. The town hall is mostly central.

8. Air bombs and air mines protect the town hall or air defenses.

9. Army camps are positioned outside archer towers, so enemy archers have more trouble sniping at the archer towers.

10. If builder huts are not needed for criterion #6, put them in the corners to trouble an all-dragon attack.

11. Skeleton traps are central and set to attack ground troops, so they delay attackers in the middle of the war base where many defensive buildings can simultaneously pummel them.  If possible, it also helps to place your Barbarian King central for the same reason.